Club Rules

The Club will be open five days a week, from 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Thursday and 9:00 a.m to  3 p.m on Friday. Before 9 a.m. and after 5 p.m. or 3 p.m., we accept Members upon reservation. If asked, Members are required to identify themselves to the Club Manager or Manager on duty.

II Food or beverage may not be brought into the Club for consumption. Smoking is prohibited throughout the Club.

III The Club Steering Committee requests that all members and guests observe the dress code. For more details read the Dress Code.

IV Business Meetings, which require obvious use and display of papers, are disruptive to other Members and are not permitted in the lounge. A quiet business conversation among two or three people is permissible.

In consideration of Members and guests, the use of electronic devices in the lounge is discouraged. Upon entering the premises, mobile phones should be set so that incoming calls are received on vibrate only/silent. Personal computers and tablets should also be set on silent.

In consideration of the neighbours, we ask that all members access and leave the Club in silence. The use of electronic devices is discouraged in the staircase and in the lobby on the ground floor. Members should not gather outside the premises, Place de la Bourse at night. Members are responsible for the conduct of their guests as they enter/leave the Club.

Unauthorized photography of Members, guests, Club staff and Club property is prohibited within all areas of the Clubhouse. This includes photography with photo-capable cell phones. These rules apply to the activities organised outside the Club Premises as well.

VI No Member or guest may use any Club stationery or issue any other communication bearing the name or identity of the Club for business purposes, publication or release to the news media.

VII The renting of meeting rooms or the games room will be under the regulation of the Steering Committee.

VIII Newspapers, magazines and books belonging to the Club may not be marked or otherwise defaced; nor may they be taken outside of the Club. Books may be taken from one room to another room within the Club or may be taken from the Club premises if a proper receipt is signed by the Club Manager.

IX Children are permitted on certain occasions in the Club with proper attire, constant adult supervision and parents’ presence at the premises.

X Members are responsible for the conduct of their guests, for informing their guests of the Club Rules, including the dress code, and for all property damages by their guests.

XI Pets will not be allowed in the Club.

XII Requests, suggestions and complaints in regard to the Club should be in writing, signed and addressed to the chair of the Steering Committee. Matters requiring immediate attention may be taken up with the Club Manager or the Manager on Duty.

XIII Employees may not be sent out of the Club on private business.

XIV No gratuity of any kind may be given to an employee by any Member or guest.

XV The Club Manager or his designate has the authority to maintain order in all parts of the Club.

XVI Owners are responsible for their own property in the Club. The Club will exercise diligence in protecting the property of Members and guests in the premises but will not be responsible for any damage to or loss of such property.

XVII The public spaces of the Club, including the lounge, dining rooms and games room are for use by Members of the Club and their guests. Gatherings of more than 10 individuals as a party will not be permitted in public areas or in a conference room that has not been reserved. Members should contact the Club Manager to organise a party of more than 10 within the Club.

XVIII The Club Committee may exclude a Member or guest from the Club for inappropriate or unbecoming conduct, including disorderly conduct.